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Bitwig Studio HarmonicSplit Exercise

Create a simple ½ bar monophonic note sequence using a 303-like preset sound on any synthesizer of your choice. After creating the sequence, place the HarmonicSplit device after the synthesizer. Adjust the parameters so that the fundamental frequency of the 303 sound is removed when the Fundamental band is muted.

Next, replace the fundamental frequency with a sine wave oscillator from another synthesizer, ensuring it uses the same MIDI clip. Adjust the ADSR (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release) parameters and the volume so that the resulting sound closely resembles the original sound without the HarmonicSplit device.


Screenshot 2024 05 29 234610

Settings of HarmonicSplit (approx.)

Use case

When layering sounds, it is often useful to remove the fundamental frequencies of a layered sound to maintain stability and clarity in the mix. By removing these frequencies, you can prevent overlapping low-end frequencies that might cause muddiness or phase issues, ensuring that each layer contributes to the overall sound without interfering with the others.